Kami Buka Setiap Hari Senin - Sabtu Jam 11:00 - 19:00WIB, Kecuali Tanggal Merah (Libur)
Phone: +62 21 6230 4025, SMS: +62 815 880 3383
Business Hours: 11:00AM - 19:00PM Monday - Saturday, except Public Holiday
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Chat IM
VGA Sensor, 640x480, 30fps (software enhanced), 1.3Mpxl, Lapel Microphone Included
| Rp164,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Motion Gray Eng/JPN
CCD, Wide angle, 640x480 30fps, auto focus, 4x digital zoom, usb 2.0
| Rp805,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Voice
CMOS 1.3MP, Built-in adaptive array microphones with directional beam, noise cancellation
| Rp805,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Video IM
640x480 VGA Sensor, 1.3Mpxl, Earset, USB 1.1
| Rp263,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Optia AF
2MP sensor (8mp soft enhanced), built-in microphone, 1600x1200 resolution, auto focus
| Rp590,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Chat AA/JPN
VGA Sensor, 800x600 (software enhanced), USB 1.1 (Compatible With USB 2.0)
| Rp134,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Sync
VGA Sensor, 800x600 Interpolation Video & Photo, USB Video Class (Plug&Play), Win7
| Rp142,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Solialize EJ
VGA CMOS, 800x600 Interpolation video, 1.3MP interpolation Photos, Built-in Mic, Video/audio effects, Live Central 2, USB Video Class (Plug&Play), Win7
| Rp280,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Solialize HD EJ
HD Sensor, 30fps@1280x720, 4MP Interpolation Photos, USB Video Class (Plus&Play), Built-in Mic with noise cancellation, Live Central 2, Improved Eye-level conferencing, Win7
| Rp400,000
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| Camera
Creative Webcam Live! Cam Notebook
VGA Sensor, 1.3Mpxl, Adjustable Manual Focus, USB 1.1 (Compatible With USB 2.0)
| Rp168,000
| Note: Price and Specification may change anytime without prior notice